42+ Times Americans Made Us Cringe Online

Everything is bigger in America—from the servings of food to the size of the shopping malls, to how they carry out sporting events. Pretty much everything in the U.S. is giant-sized and tends to grab your attention.

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At times, it may be amusing, but it often gets irritating when Americans tend to hold a substantial presence on the Internet, particularly when their assertions are consistently incorrect. From having poor knowledge regarding geography, to not even grasping elementary level arithmetic, it is truly dumbfounding and cringe-worthy observing the things Americans have posted online.

Fire Away

Nowadays, it appears that folks will go to almost any length to make sure their little ones have names that are one of a kind. It’s not just the Kardashian-Jenners, known for names like Stormi and Aire, who are fans of these unique monikers. Average Americans are also very much drawn to these out-of-the-box baby names. They simply can’t resist the charm and individuality of such names.

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WSL – Spurs

Indeed, it seems pretty strange to give your child the name “Reighfyl,” which sounds just like “rifle.” Really, could there be anything more typically American than naming a kid after a firearm?

Size Matters

There’s nothing more exasperating than one person who’s unaware about how the world works, except for two such people engaged in a conversation. Reading their texts back and forth is just utterly distressing.

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Texas is indeed a vast state, but it’s not advisable to just rely on your pal’s word before doing thorough research on your own. Maps can be tricky and deceptive, and sticking Africa inside Australia isn’t really about size or correctness. It’s essential to remember not to accept everything at face value.

My Apologies

Given that there are more than 190 nations around the globe, it wouldn’t be fair to blame someone for not remembering all of them. It’s pretty challenging to keep track of each and every one.

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Before you confidently state that a location is not a nation, ensure your facts are accurate. This individual demonstrates how simple it is to conduct a fast online search on Google and secure the necessary information. We appreciate their effort to amend their initial remark, yet we can’t help but feel a sense of embarrassment for this oversight. So, be sure before you make a statement about places whether they are countries or not.

Kicking Off

Ah yes, the never-ending soccer vs. football argument. In a unique American twist, we’ve decided to go against the grain of every other country in the world. We have taken the most loved sport globally and tagged it with a completely unrelated name.

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When you ponder on the actual game, the term “football” seems pretty accurate, since the athletes are booting the ball with their feet. As can be seen on this global map, it appears that the rest of the planet agrees with this viewpoint. However, as an American, I am personally finding it somewhat challenging to embrace this concept.

Not Asking for Much

For sure, we all aim to look after and help our parents as much as we can. After all, they’re the ones who brought us up from childhood. But, there can be times when the requests they make from us can feel a bit too excessive.

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This mother laid down her demands while expressing her wishes to move in with her offspring, and as it appears, her stipulations are crazily excessive. Interestingly, her child guessed she must have fallen prey to an online hacker, given that such behavior is unlike her usual self. We can only try guess what the reaction was, when she got a response to this…

Dress to Unimpress

Certain kids are very serious about what their parents tell them, obeying their instructions as if they were legal laws. Yet, there are others who have become so weary of their parents continually trying to keep them under control that they purposely conduct themselves in a manner disliked by their parents, simply to show their rebellion.

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This youngster had been dictated by their folks a couple too many times. Parents really ought not to worry so much about what their adult children are choosing to put on in the first place!

Too Late

Mother’s Day is a special occasion that we use to show our moms just how much we cherish them. It’s a day dedicated to delivering cards and flowers, and overall, it’s a time to honor and celebrate the supportive women in our lives.

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This mom was clearly upset when she got nothing on Mother’s Day and had no problem expressing her disappointment in a mad text to her kid. Regrettably, the card only managed to reach the next day, but mom’s forgiveness text seemed to have disappeared somewhere in the delivery process.

Facebook Feud

Facebook moms have their unique style. They are always ready to post their children’s achievements and it can become a mini competition. Even though her daughter had already expressed her joy privately on Mother’s Day, this mom still craved for an open, public celebration of the occasion.

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The downtrodden face at the end is simply over the top. That’s a master level attempt at making someone feel guilty, isn’t it?

Staying Grounded

Grounding is an age-old punishment that parents have been using for years. But, this mom or dad is taking it a step further by adding a contemporary spin to make the penalty even harder on their little girl.

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Not only did they choose to publicly ridicule her on the internet, but they are further adding fuel to the fire by actively telling others to take pictures of their kid and share them for all to see on social media platforms. It doesn’t matter how “weak” they think her decisions have been – no child, whatsoever, should ever have to endure this kind of harsh, public display.

That’s Bananas

Often, parents hold specific beliefs about what their children need to do to stay healthy. Interestingly, these beliefs may not always align with what is put forth by current medical science.

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This mother has made up her mind that her child must consume bananas, despite their allergy towards them. Yes, bananas are indeed healthy, but it’s quite uncertain if they’re worth the risk of a severe allergic reaction like anaphylaxis.

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