Earth can be an amazing place to explore as these photos show. Moreover just look at some incredible things that have been found around coastlines of different continents from around the ore amazing planet Earth.
A huge skull of an extinct species of whale
This skull from a huge predatorial whale known as the Livyatan. Now extinct but in the past the enormous whale with its truly huge teeth was top of the food chain.
A huge extinct whale closely related to the modern day sperm whale. Modern sperm whales mainly eat squid. Livyatan would eat other whales and giant sharks which lived in these times. It could take on ant prey, even those as large as itself. We are lucky that this giant predator is not still around today.
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Beware the bristle worm
A close up of the head of a deep sea bristle worm. In its environment a top hunter seeking out any prey it can devour. Bristle worms can grow quite large. Captive bristle worms have been grown been known to grow over 2 feet 60 centimeters in length. At this size you need to be careful handling them because they can give a nasty bite that will definitely draw blood. Bristle worms also have a built in defense mechanism. Those bristles will break of and embed in your skin causing itching, irritation and even infection is not treated.
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This unknown type of jellyfish from the depths of the ocean looks almost as if it has a skull inside it.
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This fish, the sarcastic fingerhead has a huge mouth in comparison to the size of its body and some pretty sharp teeth as well.
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Giant isopod from the depths photos
Giant isopods live commonly around the World’s oceans. Because they live in very deep water they don’t commonly get seen. A delicacy in some countries and said to taste similar to lobster. Very large giant isopods can weigh over 2 kilograms or 4.5 pounds. Would you like to eat one.
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Our top 5 coming up!
This very unusual looking deep sea fish caught off the coast of Russia.
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Oar fish are often seen but they also live in deep oceans and occasionally come into shallower water. They can grow to truly huge sizes.
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This mysterious creature was also washed ashore in Aberdeen, Scotland. Nobody seams to know what it could possibly be?